Introduction: The 2018 Colloquium

Latin American Boom: English and Spanish Colloquium 2018
Building on the success of past interscholastic conferences at The Oakridge School (James Joyce’s Dubliners 2013, Richard III 2014, Frankenstein 2017), at Cistercian (Flannery O’Connor’s 50th anniversary 2014), and at Greenhill School (Midsummer Night’s Dream 2016), Cistercian Preparatory School is pleased to host once again. On Wednesday, February 7, 2018, we invite your school to join us and other select schools from the Southwest for this year’s Colloquium titled Latin American Boom 2018.
The Boom was more than a literary movement. Boom writers, inspired by the poetic giants of Latin American modernismo and the early 20th century works of storytellers such as Jorge Luis Borges, Alejo Carpentier, and Juan Rulfo, brought lo real maravilloso to a worldwide audience in the 1960s and 1970s. Magical realism grew in popularity at a time when the Latin American world was in unprecedented flux, as postcolonial countries wrestled with differing political ideologies, social injustice, national identities, and economic ups and downs. The four short stories to be read in English or Spanish for the Colloquium are: “Axolotl” by Julio Cortázar, “La muñeca menor” (The Youngest Doll) by Rosario Ferré, “Chac Mool” by Carlos Fuentes, and “Un señor muy viejo con unas alas enormes” (A very old man with enormous wings) by Gabriel García Márquez. These have been chosen either for their handling of realismo mágico and/or their unique narrative styles, all of which laid the groundwork for The Boom’s global success. Ferré’s piece, published well after the other three, undoubtedly serves as an example of classic Boom literature.    
   The focus of the conference will be the presentation of essays and of 2D art produced by 11th and 12th grade students. Students whose papers are selected will read or present their papers before peers and faculty from participating schools with an opportunity for discussion afterwards. Space is limited but we hope to accommodate all interested students and faculty wishing to attend; some non-presenting students will be invited to serve as discussion leaders and all attendees will serve as a participatory audience.        Please join our dual-language collaboration!
The Call for Papers due date is Friday, December 8, 2017!
There are two categories for student work:
1.       Papers (in English or Spanish)
2.       2D Art (with accompanying artist’s statement of up to one page)
Please review the accompanying information about the different types of opportunities to participate as well as instructions on how to submit students’ work in A Call for Papers and Art.
All submissions will be judged by a committee of volunteer faculty and administrators from participating schools. Students whose work is accepted for presentation will be notified early in January, after the winter break.
We hope you join us in this celebration of magical realism!
¡Esperamos que participen en la celebración del realismo mágico!
Gary Nied                                                                    Lisa Hernandez
Chair, English Department                                         Chair, Languages Department                                     

Cistercian Preparatory School               
3660 Cistercian Road                
Irving, Texas 75039


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